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Numeric Check with some Regular Expression magic

作者:未知  来源:转载  发布时间:2005-7-20 11:44:17  发布人:acx

<script language="javascript" runat="server">
    // Checks that the string supplied can be expressed as a number (float)
    function isNumeric(strNumber) {
        return (strNumber.search(/^(-|\+)?\d+(\.\d+)?$/) != -1);

    // Checks that the string supplied can be expressed as an unsigned number (float)
    function isUnsignedNumeric(strNumber) {
        return (strNumber.search(/^\d+(\.\d+)?$/) != -1);

    // Checks that the string supplied can be expressed as an integer
    function isInteger(strInteger) {
        return (strInteger.search(/^(-|\+)?\d+$/) != -1);

    // Checks that the string supplied can be expressed as an unsigned integer
    function isUnsignedInteger(strInteger) {
        return (strInteger.search(/^\d+$/) != -1);


